Contents tagged with disease

14 February 2022

PLRV was once the most common virus in seed stocks and also caused the greatest yield loss in ware crops.

24 October 2019

Pink rot (Phytophthora erythroseptica) can be devastating especially in hot dry years however wet soil is required for infection.

7 January 2022

Viruses described in this section cause a range of foliar symptoms from none (latent) through very weak to a pronounced mosaic with some distortion of the leaflets.

14 February 2022

Gangrene is a slow growing fungal disease of stored potatoes favoured by cool climates.

17 December 2021

Common scab caused mainly by Streptomyces scabiei is an unsightly blemish disease that can affect any crop where tubers experience a dry surface during the critical stage of 3-6 weeks after tuber initiation.

17 December 2021

Rhizoctonia solani is a fungal disease causing stem canker, damping off, black scurf, skin netting and tuber growth distortions.

17 December 2021

Alternaria, also known as early blight, is a mainly soil-borne fungal pathogen that affects potato crops. It is a global disease that has been present in GB crops for many years.

23 March 2022

Information on storage management and controlling the risk of disease

7 November 2018

Dry rot is the most important fungal rot of potatoes in Great Britain. The disease affects around 1% of tubers annually. However, its true impact on the industry is often underestimated because the disease enables Erwinia species to colonise and develop into soft rots.

21 February 2022

Blackleg is one of the key diseases across all sectors of the potato industry in Great Britain. This management guide was last updated in 2013.

9 December 2022

Here’s how to recognise leaf scorch disease in narcissus and understand how it spreads and develops.

24 November 2022

As the mainstay of disease prevention, it’s important to have a good understanding of fungicides and the programmes for using them to best effect for management of foliar diseases of narcissus..
