Contents tagged with lighting

23 June 2022

Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting has been developed for horticulture since the late 1980s, yet it remains on the periphery of mainstream sources for glasshouse lighting. Conventional assimilation (supplementary) lights, such as high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps, still tend to be the go-to option for many growers for various reasons. In this technical update, we consider the developments in LED technology in recent years and whether or not LEDs are an economically viable alternative to conventional light sources.

2 December 2020

The principles and benefits of diffuse light in greenhouse crops are widely accepted. In this document, we remind ourselves why diffuse light is important, explain how it is measured and the different solutions available to enable this benefit in your greenhouse.

21 December 2020

The advantages of diffuse light in horticultural production have been long debated, and there’s now increasing evidence that using light diffusing technologies in a greenhouse can give production advantages that include yield increases in edible crops and reduced time to market and quality improvements in ornamentals. Read this technical update on diffuse light to find out more.

2 December 2022

Read this series of factsheets to learn about the light spectrum and how it can be used to manipulate protected crops for your benefit.

9 December 2021

These translated practical guides from PCS, Belgium cover a wide range of topics including integrated plant management, lighting crops, cost price calculation and profitability, fertiliser use in ornamental crops etc.

2 March 2023

More familiar lamp types (halogens) will begin to disappear from September

4 October 2022

This edition of The Grower includes information on a molecular tool to identify and quantify Fusarium species and the benefits of supplementary lighting for carbon dioxide uptake
