
21 January 2020

Mental health is something we all possess. When it is good, we have a sense of purpose and direction and feel that we can cope with whatever life (and work) throws at us.

13 December 2021

Research Project

23 December 2019

As 2019 draws to a close, we take a look at how GB milk production and the dairy herd are shaping up this season.

8 November 2019

Recent events in the liquid milk markets have highlighted the pressures facing the sector.

6 November 2019

Livestock Information Video - Episode 3 of 3.

6 November 2019

What we're doing and how we're doing it. Featuring Kevin McLean (Programme Manager) and Mark Matthews (Data and Technology Lead).

6 November 2019

AHDB is in a unique position to be able to lead the collaboration between government and industry in order to deliver a future traceability service which is truly transformational. Featuring Simon Hall (Programme Director) and Richard Laverick (Chief Officer).

3 October 2019

Limited growth in milk supplies in the second half of the year points to relatively stable dairy markets at home and abroad. Our autumn dairy market outlook identifies some risks coming from trade tensions, weakening currencies and a potential no-deal Brexit.

17 September 2019

As another Brexit deadline draws closer, we take a look at how a no-deal could mean for the UK dairy sector.
