Tender Top Steaks – Thin Cut

Code: Topside B011

Important Note

For this product the topside should be matured for a minimum of 14 days.


Slice the tender top muscle across the grain and evenly at 5 mm intervals to produce tender top steaks – thin cut.

Topside B011
Topside B011
Meat Cut Spec Step 1


Remove the loosely attached muscle block,...

Meat Cut Spec Step 2


...gracilis, pectineus and sartorius from the topside.

Meat Cut Spec Step 3


Remove fat and connective tissue.

Meat Cut Spec Step 4


Separate the main topside muscle (semimembranosus) and the tender top muscle (adductor) following a very thin natural seam.

Meat Cut Spec Step 5


Expose the main blood veins by removing...

Meat Cut Spec Step 6


...the top layer of the muscle. Remove the main blood veins.

Meat Cut Spec Step 7


Slice the Tender Top muscle across the grain and evenly at 5mm intervals to produce Tender Top Steaks – Thin Cut.
