Controlling soil erosion and improving soil conditions in field tree and hedging nursery stock production

This factsheet summarises a case study undertaken at Wyevale Nurseries on improving soil conditions for nursery stock production.  Some of the key points from the study include: 

  • Soil loss from fields was reduced by establishing wide grass margins, filter barriers and sediment ponds at the base of slopes
  • Re-orientating rows across the slope and reducing slope length by establishing in-field grass buffer strips reduced soil loss, although these measures can impact on the efficiency of operations
  • Building soil organic matter can increase the soil’s resistance to erosion and compaction 
  • Subsoiling was ineffective at improving soil conditions

The information was updated in 2019.

Useful links

Watch the AHDB webinar on reducing soil erosion

See the GREATsoils website for further information on protecting your soil and improving productivity
