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Hardy Nursery Stock
21 June 2022
Poster summarising results of pesticide screening trials
17 February 2022
This factsheet provides guidance on how to minimise losses in nursery stock crops due to downy mildew by the use of clean stock plants, good nursery hygiene, avoiding favourable environmental conditions for disease development and by appropriate fungicide treatment.
28 April 2021
When sowing field margins and other useful farmland, growers must choose flowering seed mixes that attract pollinators as well as natural enemies of crop pests.
25 November 2021
This factsheet provides background information about the various types of chemical analyses available, guidance on how water, substrate and leaf tissue samples should be collected and managed to ensure accuracy of the results obtained, and offers assistance with the interpretation of the laboratory analysis results generated for each of the sample types.
20 February 2023
This factsheet examines the use of chemical disinfectants in protected ornamental production to prevent the spread of plant diseases. It provides information on available products, their efficacy and important considerations affecting product choice. It also summarises legislation affecting their use and disposal.
7 October 2022
This factsheet describes the chemical and physical properties of irrigation water of relevance to ornamental plant production, including bedding plants, pot plants and hardy ornamentals. Water hardness, conductivity levels and a range of potential impurities and their effects are outlined and appropriate corrective measures summarised.
25 November 2021
This factsheet outlines how the repeated use of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides if not properly managed, can result in the development of resistant pest, pathogen and weed populations. It lists the known cases of resistance and advises how to prevent resistant strains developing.
27 August 2020
Find out how to recognise and manage bacterial diseases in herbaceous perennials.
6 March 2023
Find out about the symptoms, pathogen, biology, epidemiology and control of bacterial shot-hole of cherry laurels caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae.
17 February 2022
This factsheet provides guidance on how to minimise quality reductions in hardy nursery stock and herbaceous plants due to powdery mildew by avoiding environmental conditions favourable for disease development and by applying appropriate fungicide treatments.
18 November 2021
This factsheet describes the principles and practices of non-chemical weed control in order to help growers develop a more integrated approach to weed control on container-grown hardy nursery stock.
13 December 2021
These annual reports cover a range of small scale trials undertaken in the Schleswig-Holstein region of Germany by the Trial Advisory Council (VuB) based in Ellerhoop on a range of field- and container-grown hardy nursery stock crops.