Growing Media

Find a complete list of all the horticulture information factsheets produced from AHDB funded research and development work.

4 February 2021

Growers explain how they are using our research and knowledge exchange

2 March 2023

An ornamentals nursery explain how they are reducing peat in their production

6 February 2023

This factsheet provides information on optimising mushroom casing using peat and its alternatives. It describes steps that may be taken by growers during preparation and watering of casing to improve mushroom yields and quality, and minimise problems such as bacterial blotch.

23 June 2022

This factsheet collates the results of several projects to provide information on optimising the spawn-running of pasteurised compost in mushroom cultivation. It describes how the rate of spawn-running can be measured and which factors are important in controlling it.

2 December 2022

Learn about the risk of winter cold injury occurring in strawberries and the best forms of cold protection

19 January 2023

Understand how the weather influences the type of damage to strawberry crops

15 November 2022

Learn about the factors increasing risk of cold injury in strawberry

19 January 2023

Assess whether damage to strawberry crowns due to cold stress is critical

15 November 2022

Learn about practical measures that can be used to minimise cold injury

25 November 2021

This factsheet provides background information about the various types of chemical analyses available, guidance on how water, substrate and leaf tissue samples should be collected and managed to ensure accuracy of the results obtained, and offers assistance with the interpretation of the laboratory analysis results generated for each of the sample types. 

7 October 2022

This factsheet describes the chemical and physical properties of irrigation water of relevance to ornamental plant production, including bedding plants, pot plants and hardy ornamentals. Water hardness, conductivity levels and a range of potential impurities and their effects are outlined and appropriate corrective measures summarised.
