Tomato resources

AHDB Horticulture funded an extensive programme of research on many aspects of commercial tomato production. The available reports and resources are listed below.


Glasshouse mealybug

Mealybugs on protected tomato crops

Research project PC 161: Protected tomatoes: integrated control of mealybugs

Mammal pests

Managing rabbit problems associated with horticulture

Rodent control on farms


Russet mites

Integrated pest management (IPM) of mites

Research project PC 163: Tomatoes: Control of spider mites with fungal pathogens

Research project PC 299: Cucumber and tomato - to evaluate new strategies for IPM of spider mite

Research project PC 225: Tomatoes: survey of hyper-necrotic spider mite damage in UK crops

Tomato leafminers

A robust IPM programme for organic tomatoes

Biology and control of Tuta absoluta in tomato

Distinguishing between Tuta absoluta and Liriomyza spp.

Research project PE 002: Development rate of Tuta absoluta under UK glasshouse conditions

Research project PE 028: Tuta absoluta - Investigating resistance to key insecticides and seeking alternative IPM compatible products

Research project PE 032: Addressing important knowledge gaps in the Tuta absoluta IPM programme

Research project PC 302a: Phase 2 of contingency plans for the control of Tuta absoluta and Nesidiocoris tenuis in organic tomato

Research project PC 302b: Phase 3 of contingency plans for the control of Tuta absoluta

Research project PC 302c: Optimising the Macrolophus-based Tuta absoluta IPM strategy: Phase 1 – Identification of species on UK nurseries

Research project PC 302d: Phase 4 of the development of a robust IPM programme for Tuta absoluta


Research project PC 293: Tomato: Impact of sulphur-based fungicides on parasitic wasps


A robust IPM programme for organic tomatoes

An introduction to hyperparasitism

Boosting biocontrols within IPM programmes

Nesidiocoris tenuis biology and identification

SCEPTREplus: tomato

Video: Biopesticide application and the importance of water volumes

Video: Tackling key pests in UK horticulture

Video: Webinar - the status and integration of biofungicides in protected edible cropping

Research project PE 020: Macrolophus as a biocontrol agent - Optimising release and feeding strategies

Research project PE 020a: Tomato: Further optimisation of Macrolophus release and feeding strategies

Research project PC 240: Organic tomato - development and implementation of a robust pesticide-free IPM programme

Research project PC 251: AYR Tomato production: Phase 1 of the development and implementation of a robust IPM programme

Research project PC 251a: AYR tomato production: Phase 2 of the development and implementation of a robust IPM programme

Research project CP 158: Application and Management of Biopesticides for Efficacy and Reliability (AMBER)


Research project PE 005: Protected edible crops - biological control of plant diseases using insect pathogenic fungi with dual activity against plant pathogens

Research project PE 017: Nutrient management for disease control in tomato

Research project PE 023: Hormetic UVC Treatments for Control of Plant Diseases on Protected Edible Crops

Research project PC 294: Detection and elimination of solanaceous viroids in tomato seeds and seedlings

Research project PC 281: Protected tomato: Monitoring rhizoshere micro-organisms to improve understanding and management of root diseases

Research project PC 281a: Tomato: application of next generation diagnostics for improved detection and understanding of root diseases

Research project PC 281b: Tomato: Microorganisms in the irrigation water of hydroponic crops grown in closed systems

Research project FV 461 : A literature review of novel strategies to manage viruses in UK crops

Bacterial canker

Bacterial Wilt and Canker of Tomato factsheet

Technical review: Bacterial Wilt and Canker of Tomato

Grey mould (Botrytis cinerea)

Grey mould of tomato

Research project PC 174: Development of biocontrol as a component of an integrated, sustainable strategy for the control of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea)

Research project PC 301: Targeting of humidity control, through the use of stem temperature measurements, to reduce stem botrytis and save energy in tomato production

Pepino mosaic virus

Pepino mosaic virus of tomato – new results on strains, symptoms and persistence

Research project: PE 025 Development and deployment of genotype-specific LAMP assays for monitoring Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) in tomato

Research project PC 181: Protected tomato: sources, survival and disinfection of Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV)

Phoma stem rot

An unusual Phoma stem rot of tomato

Root diseases

Research project PE 029: Protected tomato - Evaluation of biological treatments, biocides and an improved diagnostic for control of root mat disease

Research project PC 149: Cucumber and tomato: investigation of the cause, epidemiology and control of root proliferation ('rootmat') in hydroponic crops

Research project PC 241: Protected hydroponic tomato - Investigating the potential for various novel non-chemical techniques for the suppression or control of root-mat disease

Research project PC 281: Protected tomato - Monitoring rhizoshere micro-organisms to improve understanding and management of root diseases

Research project PC 281a: Tomato - application of next generation diagnostics for improved detection and understanding of root diseases.

Tomato brown rugose fruit virus

Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV)

Video: Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus - Update 1

Video: Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus - Update 2

Research project PE 033 & 033a: Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Survival of the virus and efficacy of disinfection approaches

Research project PE 034: Understanding disease development of tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV)

Research project PE 035: LAMP for detection of ToBRFV

Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) and Tomato infectious chlorosis virus (TICV)

Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) and Tomato infectious chlorosis virus (TICV) guide

Tomato leaf mould

Tomato leaf mould best practice guide

Research project PE 018: Efficacy of conventional fungicides, biofungicides and disinfectants for control of tomato leaf mould, Passalora fulva

Research project PE 030: An investigation of the current status of tomato leaf mould on UK nurseries - occurrence, disease management and potential for improved control

Tomato spotted wilt virus

Tomato spotted wilt virus in protected edible crops


Research project PE 010: Improvement of soil health by manipulation of microbial community characteristics

Energy management and environmental control

Air movement in glasshouses - a grower guide

GrowSave project - energy management in protected horticulture

CO2 best practice guide for protected crops

Video: Techniques for Improving Air Movement

Video: Is the air movement in your glasshouse effective

Video: What can air movement do for your crops?

Video: Webinar - taking steps towards net zero

Research project PE/PO 011 : GrowSave; an Energy & Resource Efficiency Knowledge Transfer Programme for the PC Sector

Research project PE/PO 011a : GrowSave; an Energy & Resource Efficiency Knowledge Transfer Programme for the PC Sector

Research project PE 013: Refrigeration-based dehumidification - energy performance and cropping effect on commercial nurseries

Research project PE 013a: Refrigeration-based dehumidification: energy performance and cropping effect on commercial nurseries. 2nd year trials

Research project PE 003: CO2 enrichment in the future - a technical and economic analysis of alternative CO2 sources

Research project PE 021: Targeted CO2 enrichment management for modern varieties in long season tomato crop production in the UK

Research project PE 021a: Optimised CO2 enrichment management for long-season tomato production in a UK tomato crop

Research project PC 110: The influence of CO2 concentration and plant density on tomato yield and fruit quality

Research project PC 162: A computational fluid dynamic (CFD) study of flow patterns, temperature distributions and CO2 dispersal in a tomato glasshouse

Research project PC 287: An investigation into the effects of fluegas quality on the performance of greenhouse crops

Research project PC 049: Optimal control of greenhouse climate

Research project PC 228: Tomatoes: an investigation into apparent yield improvements associated with the installation of a micro-gas-turbine CHP facility

Research project PC 004: Energy saving: the use of thermal screens in glasshouses

Research project PC 198/198a: The use of thermal screens for energy saving and greenhouse climate management in protected edible crop production – performance optimisation

Research project PC 256: An initial investigation into the potential for using sealed greenhouse technologies in the UK

Research project PC 278 and PC 278a: The development and commercial demonstration of ducted air systems for glasshouse environmental control.

Crop and fruit development

Research project PC 064: Tomatoes: Optimum planting stage and plant density for the V-system

Research project PC 065: Regulation of tomato fruit size by plant density and truss thinning

Research project PC 126: Cherry Tomatoes: an examination of the causes of truss branching and fruit splitting

Food safety

How to keep fresh produce safe to eat

Monitoring microbial food safety of fresh produce

Video: Webinar - Managing risk in the production of UK fresh produce

Video: Disinfecting irrigation water for use on fresh produce

Vidoe: Microbials - Keeping it clean

Irrigation and nutrient management

Establishing a resilient water supply

Introduction to fertigation

Protecting the water supply for your crops

Slow sand filtration

Research project PC 281: Monitoring rhizosphere micro-organisms to improve management of root diseases

Research project PC 281a: Tomato - applied diagnostics for detection and understanding of root diseases

Research project PC 281b: Tomato - Microorganisms in the irrigation water of hydroponic crops grown in closed systems

Research project PE 009: TOMato COMpositional studies to identify and quantify bioactive nutrient associated with tomato fruit quality (TOMCOM)

Labour and skills

Edible horticulture skills survey

Video: Webinar - Operating in a reduced labour market

Video: Webinar - Using LEAN techniques to improve labour efficiency in horticulture

Video: Webinar - Using your time effectively

Research project PC 257: Lean manufacturing - applying the principles to harvesting tomatoes


Tomato: An investigation into poor pollination performance by the native bumblebee, Bombus terrestris audax

Research project PE 026: A study to review the scientific literature on the environmental risks of releasing non-native species of bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) for crop pollination

Research project PE 031: an investigation into poor pollination performance by the native bumblebee, Bombus terrestris audax

Research project PE 031a: Phase 2 of an investigation into poor pollination performance by the native bumblebee, Bombus terrestris audax

Research project PE 031b: Phase 3 of an investigation into poor pollination performance by the native bumblebee, Bombus terrestris audax
